Forbidden Mate Read online

Page 6

  “So short?”

  “We’re hunting Chupacabras.” She giggled, then stopped herself. “It’s a scheduled bus tour, so we don’t have much time.”

  He sat next to her, his body reacting when he smelled the sweet scent of her shampoo. He’d been raised with shifters, she-wolves more interested in hunting and fighting than taking care of themselves. Even the she-wolf bartender in town tried to hit on him, but he had no interest. “There are a lot of legends around here. Some say they’ve seen men change into animals.”

  “Targus!” Marco’s voice boomed in the room. A warning.

  He wanted his friend to leave him the hell alone, to let him make his own choices, whether right or wrong. “Marco, I know what I’m doing.”

  Just then a loud rap on the glass window behind them made Helen gasp. Without curtains, the outside world was a black void, the inside of the cottage reflecting back at them. Targus wasn’t sure if he should stay inside and argue with Marco or investigate.

  Then he picked up the distinct sound of an animal racing around the exterior. A wolf. This was their territory, carefully mapped out and claimed. Any other wolf should know better than to skulk around their home. If it was a challenge, then he was ready to face it head on.

  “I better make sure nothing’s damaged,” he said, excusing himself from the cottage. Once outside, the cool note in the air brought his senses to life and doused his arousal. He took a deep breath, absorbing the natural scents. There was definitely a wolf nearby.


  “So, what made you come out here tonight?” asked Marco. “I thought you’d be smarter. Apparently I was wrong.”

  The little human was nervous, her hands folded into one another as if seeking shelter from his presence.

  “Targus invited me to dinner.”

  “Before that,” he snapped. “Why were you in the woods?”

  Her body jerked when he raised his voice, her fear perfuming the air around her. His claws threatened to break free just from the scent.

  “I–I was looking for you actually…to make sure you were okay. It’s not every day I find a man asleep on the street. I thought you might be hurt or need help.”

  He shook his head and scoffed. “The only one who needs help right now is you, little lamb. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  “It’s just dinner.”

  He wanted to say that Targus had much different plans for her, but he bit his tongue. He was trying to sabotage his best friend’s chance at love because he wanted her for himself. Yet the thought of any female filling the void in his heart made him feel physically ill.

  Was it wrong to love again? Would a new mate tarnish his old memories? Marco shook away his thoughts, his mood growing more volatile by the second. His heart and mind were in an epic battle, tugging him in two directions. He hoped Targus took his advice before the little human destroyed them all.

  Chapter Six

  Helen felt like a cornered animal. She continually turned to look at the door where Targus exited, hoping he’d return any second. No such luck. She was trapped alone with an unstable man who apparently despised her. Helen wasn’t sure what she did to get on Marco’s bad side, but she wished he’d look at her with lust in his eyes rather than revulsion. He had beautiful eyes, unique amber outlined in natural kohl. The rest of his features were dark, his skin a golden hue.

  “I’ve never had a roommate before,” she said, trying to make conversation. He just stood there studying her. It was unnerving. “Do the two of you get along?”

  “We stay out of each other’s way.”

  She swallowed hard, looking toward the door again. He wasn’t making this easy for her. “You don’t find it dangerous living way out here?”

  “What’s there to be afraid of?” he asked, truly confounded. She didn’t doubt the man was fearless. There was something animalistic about him, something so imposing that anyone or anything would bow down to him. Marco stepped closer. His body was tight. The material of his shirt hugged the hard lines of his muscles.

  “I don’t know…wild animals, the Chupacabra?”

  He shook his head.

  Before she could think of something else to say, she was saved by the door creaking open. Targus returned, bringing the fresh scent of pine into the cabin. “False alarm,” he said.

  “What was it?” she asked.

  “Probably just a wolf.”

  Her jaw dropped a degree. A wolf crashing against a window seemed like a good cause for concern in her books. Targus appeared nonchalant, as if it were as commonplace as a chipmunk.

  He came and sat right beside her on the sofa. The cushions sank from his weight, forcing her to lean into him. Was his shirt inside out? She forced herself to stop ogling his chest and looked up to his eyes. He was already staring.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t make dinner,” he confessed. “If I’m being perfectly honest, I didn’t expect you to show up tonight.”

  His invitation had probably been a friendly remark not to be taken literally. She felt like an idiot for showing up. “That’s okay. I’m not really hungry, anyway.”

  “Your body says otherwise.” He reached out and placed his palm against her stomach. She immediately sucked in her gut, not wanting to repel him more than she had. “It’s growling.”

  “Maybe a bit hungry.”

  She’d been too excited thinking about all the events of the past day to eat breakfast or lunch. Even now, with her stomach grumbling against her will, food was the last thing on her mind.

  The heat from Targus’s big hand scorched past the thick layer of her sweater. The slight movement of his fingers made her pussy throb with need. She gasped from the new sensations coming to life within her. Even the brush of her jeans against her sensitive folds was undoing her. He leaned closer yet, the shadow created by his massive shoulders swallowing her whole. Her personal space had been breached and trampled on. The heat of his breath left a trail along her neck. Helen closed her eyes, suddenly under a spell she had no desire to escape from. She was drifting, only able to focus on the scent of his earthy cologne and the feel of his fingers through her hair.

  This was exactly what she hoped to avoid. She needed to keep control and not fall for the tactics of a much more experienced man. She was a fool for coming out into the woods to meet a stranger. But she’d be lying if she said she wanted him to stop. Something deep and dark inside her had been unleashed since coming to this off-the-map town and meeting three of the most tempting men in the world. Part of her was living a fairy tale, insisting she was a character in a great love story. The other part screamed at her to screw her head on straight and get the hell out of Dodge.

  There was a feral sound nearby, reminding her of an angry wolf. The previous mention of wolves obviously had her paranoid. Helen managed to open her eyes and look across the room.

  “Marco, back off,” said Targus.

  He was actually still standing there? Watching them?

  Although she felt extremely awkward knowing Marco was in the same room, and a bit turned on, she was glad for the wake-up call. She couldn’t do this, as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t. Getting to first base with the man she’d met in the forest less than twenty-four hours ago sounded like a recipe for disaster, no matter how natural it might feel. What she needed to do was get back to her hotel and keep her mind on the job. There was no future with a one-night stand, and since she didn’t live here, making an effort for something more lasting was pointless.


  “Tell me what you want, Helen.” He slowly peppered kisses along her neck. “Is it flowers, diamonds?” Apparently Targus didn’t have the same reservations about their audience. “There’s something about you. I can’t put my finger on it, but you drive me crazy. All I can think about is—”

  She was forcibly yanked from her seat, completely taken off guard. Targus was on his feet within seconds, a look of fire in his eyes.

  “What in the n
ame of the gods are you doing now?” he demanded.

  Marco still had his hand around her upper arm, his fingers digging into her tender flesh. She looked back and forth between the men, both masculine to a fault. They were like two unmovable mountains, both blessed with the same extra-large muscular frames.

  “Send her away or hand her over. Your choice.”

  “Excuse me?” Targus’s voice lowered an octave, the warning undeniable. “When the fuck did this happen?”


  Targus loved Marco like a brother, but right now he was seriously pissing him off. After years of pushing him to find a woman beyond the royal palace, Marco was now the only roadblock to his happiness. For the first time since losing his chance to court a princess—or ever—Targus had the urge to mark a female. An urge so powerful it was overriding his logic. His friend needed to back off the fuck off and give him space.

  “You’re full of shit. Stop being a prick and leave us alone.”

  Marco whirled around, giving his back. He massaged behind his neck while exhaling. “I don’t want this.”

  “Good, because she’s not your concern.”

  Targus glanced over at Helen. She looked shell-shocked. Any minute and he’d lose his chance to court her. She was a delicate human, probably used to flowers and chocolate, not over-bearing alpha male shifters. He was ready to offer her the world, but his chance was slipping away.

  He was already riled up since coming inside. There was a wolf creeping around outside their cabin. Although he’d picked up the familiar scent, it was long gone. Where had he picked up that scent before? His mind was a blank, but then again, a lot of wolves lived in and around the shifter town.

  Targus’s urge to patrol his land and eliminate any threat was difficult to control. And his best friend was fucking losing it, showing signs of aggression and possessiveness. This was the worst possible night for Helen to show up, but then again he only had a few days to prove his worth.

  “I can’t be near her,” said Marco, taking a few steps back. The crazed look in his eyes worried Targus. He’d never seen his friend so out of control. There had been some bad years since he’d lost his mate, even recently with his stunt at the local bar. This new side of him was unnerving. Was he angry because Targus had invited a human to their house? Or did he really hope to steal her away?

  “Come on,” he said, nudging Marco to follow him outside. He gave Helen a brief smile and commented before leaving the cabin. “Two more minutes and then I’m all yours.”

  The door whined shut behind him. The darkness immediately soothed his eyes and brought his beast back to the surface. Too much emotion was doing a number on him. He wanted to tear his clothes off and run through the trees, but he had to push away his baser instincts. Once the door shut behind Marco, Targus stood his ground and waited for his friend to explain his behavior.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” said Marco.

  “You’re the one who keeps telling me to live my life, fall in love, and take chances. But the first time I show genuine interest in a woman, you try to ruin everything. Why? Is it because she’s human?”

  “It should be, but no.”

  “That must be it.” He raised his voice, deep-seated issues rushing to the surface. “She’s not a hunter or trapper, Marco. She’s not the enemy—just a girl, human or not.”

  “I never said I had a problem with her!”

  “Then what?”

  Marco paced the area, not looking him in the eye. “Look, you’ve always wanted me to move on and stop living in the past.”


  “Well this morning, for the first time, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel.”

  “What does this have to do with—” Targus’s words caught in his throat. Marco wanted to claim his mate. Of all the women in all the world, why her? Targus laughed out loud. “That’s not possible. You’ve sworn off women. You tell me that all the time.”

  “If it’s any consolation, I don’t want this. I don’t know what the fuck I want.”

  Targus couldn’t believe this was happening. He felt cheated and confused. “It finally happened to me, Marco. I can feel the mating call heat my blood, clear my head, and give me strength. It’s all-consuming, like I can see in full color for the first time—because of her. Fuck, you’re supposed to be happy for me!”

  “I’d leave, Targus, and you know it. I’d lose my skin and you’d never see me again.”


  “You know as well as me, it’s impossible to resist the call.”

  Why would the gods give two friends the same desire for one woman? It was cruel and unjust. Targus always wanted Marco to find a new mate, to start over and live life again. It was painful watching him fade away over the years. But he wanted Helen, and although Targus would have given anything for his friend’s happiness, he couldn’t hand over his woman. It would have been kinder to ask for his life.

  “What do you expect me to do?” How could he fight Marco when he was like a brother? Any other male, he would have torn apart by now.

  Marco shrugged. “Let her decide.”

  He growled and stormed up the wooden stairs into the cabin. Un-fucking-believable! He didn’t like the idea at all, but what choice did he have? Helen was standing near the far window, looking out into the darkness. She turned around quickly once she heard the door shut.

  “I’m so sorry, pretty girl. This must be confusing for you.”

  “Should I leave?”

  He touched her shoulder. “Gods no. I want you to stay, Helen. Give me a chance to fix things.”

  She swallowed hard, continually looking to the floor, an adorable mix of shyness and nerves. “Is Marco okay? He seemed upset.”

  His mood soured. He was torn in two directions—friendship and love. He couldn’t hand Helen over, but the thought of Marco suffering because of this was tore him apart on the inside.

  “He’s fine. He just outsi—”

  His friend reentered the house, his heavy footfalls causing the hardwood to creak with each step.

  “Did she decide?” he asked, joining them by the window. His voice was harsh and monotone. He obviously had no clue how to woo a human female.

  “Decide what?”

  Targus’s jaw twitched. He wanted everything to be perfect for the little human, the perfect courtship. Now it would likely be one of her worst experiences, especially with Marco not holding back his unrefined personality.

  He smirked, hoping to appeal to her compassion. “Seems we both have eyes for the same woman.”

  She instantly turned a soft shade of pink, her lips parting slightly. He expected her to slap him in the face before doing the same to Marco. He could already envision her storming out of the cabin, calling them perverted freaks as she went.

  Targus held his breath for what seemed like a lifetime. Her reaction would define the rest of his life. If she refused him, he knew he’d devote every waking hour to winning her love.

  Marco moved closer, nearly crushing her against the glass of the oversized window. “Tell me your choice, little one. If you choose Targus, you’ll never see me again.”

  He felt a twinge in his heart. His best friend would actually step aside and disappear? Fight the mating call? He was more male than him because Targus knew he’d be unable to walk away.

  “It’s just a four day tour,” she whispered. “I don’t know what either of you expect from me.”

  “I can give you everything you need,” said Marco. He combed his hand into her hair and tugged her head back at an odd angle. Rather than cry out in pain, she closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. Marco pressed his body against hers and inhaled at the base of her neck. “Tell me what you want.”

  Targus’s patience was wearing thin. He wanted to be the one touching her, but had to prove himself if he wanted her to choose him. Marco was treating her like a she-wolf, something she wasn’t. His friend had lived away from civilization for too long.

“I’ve trained for years in the art of pleasing a woman,” Targus said.

  “To please a princess,” Marco corrected.

  The bastard was playing dirty. For a shifter claiming to swear off all women, he was having a fast change of heart. Targus shoved against his side to gain more room in front of Helen. “I promise, I only want you. I have no love for the princesses.” He ran the backs of his fingers tenderly along her cheek. Her eyes were so deep, he could stare into them forever.

  “What princesses?”

  He had to remember she was a human, innocent to their world. What was normal for him was fantasy for her. “The queen’s daughters. But they don’t matter now,” he assured. “Your scent is branded on me.” Just saying the words spiked his arousal. His volatile territorial defensiveness eased. He took a cleansing breath, Helen’s sweet scent filling him.

  “Why me?”

  “You’re my mate,” Targus dared to reveal. His wolf was tired of waiting, ready to make a claim.

  He trailed his finger down the center of her chest. She was wearing an annoyingly thick sweater when all he wanted was to feel the heat of her skin. When he reached the bottom edge of the material, he slipped his hand up. She flinched when his rough hand caressed the smooth bare skin along her side. He couldn’t believe a simple touch could feel so intimate.

  “I’m not that kind of girl,” she said.

  “I know. That’s why I want you.” The air in the room was thick with lust and desire. Targus’s wolf fed off Marco’s male domination and Helen’s arousal. His fangs pricked his gums and his heart rate doubled its speed. He felt like an adolescent pup around Helen. The right woman made all the difference.

  Helen whimpered. “I can’t do this…”

  He didn’t stop Marco when he began to kiss her neck. He needed all the help he could get in keeping her from running off. Targus wanted Helen to let down her guards so he could have a chance to prove himself as a male. He couldn’t expect a human girl to commit her whole life to him in a matter of hours. They didn’t live off instinct and raw emotion like shifters, rather following their false logic and rigid societal expectations.