Taken by the Bear Read online

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  She didn’t want to be offered to the highest bidder or strongest fighter. Callie wanted Bastian because of raw lust and a deep-seated connection. She wasn’t ready to become another bear’s mate. She still hadn’t come to grips with her first bear.

  “You’re still afraid of me,” he said.

  “You’re a bear. Is everyone here a bear? Who else knows about this?” Dozens of questions flooded her mind. How had this happened to him? How had no one ever discovered shapeshifters by now?

  “Everyone on the tour is the same as me. Ranger’s my brother, the others are friends. And you, little human, are the only one who knows of our existence.”

  Why her? Why reveal himself to her rather than anyone else? There were female bear shifters, weren’t there?

  “Aren’t you supposed to like other bears?”

  He shook his head, walking towards her. Despite her shock and the many questions still on the tip of her tongue, her body heated up. “I like you.”

  “Why me?”

  He ran the backs of his fingers along her cheek, and she leaned into his touch. “Well, my parents always taught me the mating call would let me know when I’d found my mate. I’m forty-four, Callie. I never expected that day to come. Then you showed up on my tour. One scent, one look, and I knew you were mine.”

  God, she loved everything he’d just said. With a man like him, she’d never have to worry, never have to be afraid of anything. She remembered how he swatted those blood-thirsty wolves around like rag dolls.

  “And how does this mating thing work exactly?” She was actually considering this. Had she lost her mind?

  “It’s like marriage, but it’s a bond that’s unbreakable. You’re the only woman I’ll ever want, ever need,” he said. “It was hard for me to explain my feelings to you yesterday. You wouldn’t believe me. Human males are fickle—they need months or years to know if they love a woman, and even then they don’t really know what love is. I know exactly what I want.”

  His intensity stole her breath away. She swallowed hard. His scruff was already coming in thicker, giving him even more sex appeal. “What happens now, Bastian?”

  “I hope you’ll give me a chance. Stay with me. Let me take care of you.” He leaned down to kiss her. She wanted to pull away, but couldn’t. Her feelings for him hadn’t faded. In fact, he intrigued her, and his unique gift seemed to make him more attractive. She still couldn’t believe shapeshifters existed. Alaska really was a place of magic, much more than she could have imagined.

  “Bastian…” She deepened the kiss, reaching up around his shoulders. Callie was in love with his body, every inch of it. From his powerful frame and chiseled muscles, to that trail of hair leading to his cock. He knew how to pleasure her in ways real men never could.

  He whispered against her lips. “Never be afraid of me. You’re mine to protect.”

  “Yes,” she murmured. There was something in the way he touched her, the way he kissed. She was already lost, ready to sell her soul to be with him. Callie remembered last night on the ship. Being away from Bastian had made her physically ill. He made her happy, made her feel beautiful and complete.

  Knowing he wasn’t playing games, but ready to commit to her in ways she’d only dreamed of, how could she refuse him?

  “Stay. Forget the city,” he said. “I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want you, Callie.”

  He cupped her ass and held her tight to his body. “You’re a bear.”

  Bastian smirked. “You’ve mentioned that.”

  Why did he have to be so damn sexy?

  She was going to go for it. The thought of him being alone another day made her sad. She could envision him having breakfast at the wooden table, sitting on the only chair. This home was made for love and memories. Callie was going to throw caution to the wind and say yes, yes to adventure, yes to the unknown, yes to love.

  A sudden bang on the side of the house made a painting fall to the floor with a loud thud. She gasped and wrapped her arms around Bastian’s waist. “What was that?”

  He narrowed his eyes, staying perfectly still for a few moments. “He’s here.”

  “Who’s here?”

  “Coben, my ex-friend.”

  The house shook again. Adrenaline scattered through her system. They were in the middle of nowhere. The helicopter was long gone. If Bastian couldn’t save her, she’d never be able to save herself. After seeing a grizzly up close and personal, she knew how terrifying they were—raw power and strength.

  “What do we do? Oh my God. Is he going to kill us?”

  He kissed her forehead, his movements unrushed. “I told you never to be afraid.”

  “I’m not afraid of you. I’m afraid of your bear friend.”

  Bastian smiled. “I’m the alpha, Callie. This won’t end well for him. He thinks he can have you, but I don’t share.”

  He tugged off his t-shirt and set in on the table. “What are you doing?”

  “I’ve already destroyed one set of clothes. That’s enough for today.” He winked at her. “Remember, don’t be afraid of my bear. He likes you.”

  “What if you get hurt?” Callie grabbed his arm. She cared about him more than she realized. Wanted to have her crazy happily ever after.

  He touched her lips, hushing her. “When this is over, we’re going to talk. And I plan to fuck you properly.”

  Chapter Six

  Callie peeked out the two windows at the front of the cabin, hoping to catch a glimpse of Bastian shifting. She wanted to see it again. Wanted to meet his bear when she wasn’t too terrified to move. As she began to accept her situation, her curiosity soared, as did her bravery.

  But he’d slipped away, out of sight, deep in the forest. She hoped he wasn’t scared of rejection. Callie was ready to accept both the man and the bear. She’d just been in shock, thrust into a world she never knew existed.

  She listened for sounds of a fight, expecting the house to shudder at any moment … but there was nothing. Maybe Bastian had chased the other bear clear off his property. She hoped he didn’t get hurt protecting her.

  Callie paced and waited, too anxious to sit still. It was taking way too long for her liking. Only the sounds of birds drifted in through the open kitchen window. Callie had to distract herself, so she inched open one of the doors at the back on the cabin. The hinges creaked, making her flinch. It was a bedroom, and it smelled like Bastian, a delicious musky scent. His bed was huge, not what she’d expect in the small cabin. The comforter was rumpled, most of the lighting blocked out by the heavy curtain, and imagining him sleeping there made her body tingle in anticipation. He wanted to fuck her again. Or maybe they’d make love this time. She reached down between her legs, her pussy still sensitized.

  If this worked out, and she stayed in this little paradise with Bastian, she’d get to enjoy him for the rest of her life. She dared to enter the room. There was a dusty picture on a dresser. She picked it up and wiped the glass with her sleeve. It was a family photo of Bastian as a teenager, another boy a bit younger, and what she assumed were his parents. There was a pile of cut wood behind them. They looked happy.

  “Bastian never mentioned your name.”

  Callie dropped the picture on the dresser and whirled toward the doorway. There was a man standing there, one from the tour, and no sign of Bastian. She froze, her heart racing so fast she swore she’d pass out in any other circumstance.

  “Who are you?”

  “It seems Bastian was led away from his home. Leaving you unprotected.”

  She backed away, her mouth too dry to speak.

  “It’s okay. I won’t hurt you. But you need to stay with me.”

  Callie shook her head. This bastard had tricked Bastian, luring him away so he could make his move. How could she fight a bear shifter? She was completely helpless, and she hated it. “Stay back. I have bear mace.”

  “I’m Bastian’s brother, Ranger.” He held out his hand. “If I hurt one hair on your head, he’ll
skin me alive.”

  She wasn’t convinced. “And why are you here?”

  He smiled. “One of our friends has gone off the fucking bend. He’s got my brother on a goose chase, so he’ll probably try and circle around. If anything happens to you, I’ll lose Bastian. Bears mate for life. I’ve lost enough of my family.”

  Now that she looked him up and down, she noticed some similarities, like the narrowed shape of their eyes and straight line of their nose. They were both hulking men, but they turned into bears, so she didn’t expect less.

  “So you’re okay with him choosing a human?”

  “You’re his problem, not mine. I’ll worry about my own mate when the time comes.”

  Callie narrowed her eyes.

  “No offense. I just prefer a lot more meat on my woman, like a few hundred pounds more.”

  “You prefer bears. That’s understandable. Shouldn’t Bastian want the same?”

  “So, he hasn’t convinced you yet? I told him no human woman would want to live in this shithole,” he said. “He’s dreaming if he thinks he’ll be a good match for a delicate little human.”

  “You don’t think we’re a good match?”

  “Bastian’s lived alone a long time. He’s not used to human customs. In fact, he’s never had an interest in any of it until you came along. He’s made a complete one-eighty since you showed up.”

  “He says it’s the mating call.”

  Ranger shrugged. “Like I said. His problem.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. He didn’t sound supportive of Bastian’s choice, and it only made her want their relationship to work out even more. They’d have to prove everyone wrong.

  The earth under them shook slightly and then she heard the vicious sound of an animal fight. It reminded her of the battle with the wolves, but more intense. Ranger turned and walked to the front windows. She followed.

  Two grizzlies were on their hind legs, striking and biting just in front of the house. She couldn’t believe how massive and bulky they were, their fangs and claws could rip her to unrecognizable shreds.

  “Which one’s Bastian?”

  “The bigger one. He’s surprised me. I thought Coben would get here before him. He must really love you.”

  Her heart swelled hearing that from his brother. Callie’s entire life had been a struggle, and to be wanted touched her in a way she never expected.


  Bastian had chased his old friend away from the house, but he quickly realized he was being purposely led far from his woman. He wasn’t born yesterday, and his bear wanted no part of it.

  He followed Coben through the forest, not falling for his tricks. Callie was his only thought. He had to get back and protect her. This bullshit with his friend had to end.

  Adrenaline and fire flooded his veins when he reached his cabin and found Coben only yards from his front door.

  “You think I’ll let you take my woman? You don’t know me very well,” said Bastian.

  “She’s in heat. You have no claim on her.”

  “I’ve filled her with my seed. She’s my mate, claimed and marked,” he said. “Now back off or I’ll defend her. Guarantee I’ll come out on top.”

  Coben charged him, rearing up and ramming his weight forward. Bastian wasn’t ready to back down. Instinct or not, Coben had crossed the line. He’d teach him the price for threatening his mating. As alpha, Bastian had no doubt he’d be the victor.

  They battled, slamming each other into trees, clawing and biting. He roared, his call filling the forest, birds scattering in every direction. Bastian wanted every creature, big and small, shifter or wild to know Callie was off limits. To know he’d destroy anyone in his way.

  With a final blow, he had his old friend on his back in a submissive state, a deep slash across his stomach, slowly bleeding out. Before he could finish him off, a voice of reason stopped him. Ranger.

  “I’ll take him away. Banish him from our land. He’ll be outcast,” said Ranger.

  “Why should I spare him after what he’s done?”

  “Because this isn’t him, and you know it. Now that you’ve won, his instinct to challenge will die away. By the time I’m done with him, he’ll understand what happened here. His shame will keep him from coming back.”

  Bastian would have argued if it was anyone else, but Coben had been a childhood friend. They’d worked and played together for as long as he could remember. So he’d give him this second chance. He’d have to thank Ranger for his life.

  “Get him out of my sight,” said Bastian. “And why are you here, anyway?”

  “If things didn’t end up well, someone had to keep your woman satisfied.”

  Bastian grunted. “Fuck off.” His brother always had to bust his balls, but they’d only had each other since their parents passed away.

  “Go. Take care of your feisty little human. Apparently she’s crazy enough to mate with you.”

  He shifted on his front porch and grabbed the jeans he’d left on the wooden rocker. He’d have to make another chair so they could sit outside together and watch the sunsets.

  Bastian opened the door and found her standing in the middle of the room. She exhaled when she saw him. “Bastian…”

  She ran up to him and threw herself into his arms. He held her close, kissing her atop the head. “Told you I’d be okay.”

  “But you’re not.” Callie leaned back, running her fingers down his bare chest. He still had some of the claw marks from Coben, but his shifter DNA would have it healed within the hour.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine,” he said. “We won’t have to worry about unwanted bears anymore, either.”

  “Your brother was here. He doesn’t seem to understand why you’d choose a human. Are you sure this is even what you want?”

  He didn’t like the insecurities showing themselves in Callie. “I’ve never wanted any woman, human or shifter. I feel like I was born yesterday. The day I met you.”

  The scent of her desire filled his masculine domain. She wrapped both hands around the edge of his worn blue jeans, and licked her lips as she stared at his chest. “Is it time to head back to the cruise ship yet?”

  Her words took him by surprise. He expected her to ask him for sex. And he was ready to give her more than she could handle.

  “If it’s not gone, it’ll be leaving for home port soon.” He gently cupped her face. “Do you want me to get you back in time?”

  Bastian could see her swallow. “What do you want?”

  “You know exactly how I feel, Callie. I want you here by my side. To grow old with me, be my woman.”

  “My clothes.”

  He frowned. “This is what women worry about? I can buy you more clothes, buy you anything you need,” he said. Bastian sighed. “Ranger thinks you won’t be happy here. My life is simple, and you’ll probably need more eventually.”

  Callie unbuttoned his jeans, looking him in the eyes. “Your brother doesn’t know what he’s talking about. This cabin is more than enough. You are more than enough.”

  He kissed her hard on the mouth. Bastian hadn’t realized how much baggage he’d been holding onto, the stress, the possibility Ranger was right. He loved Callie enough that he’d bring her to the ship if she demanded it. Even if that meant a life of despondency for himself.

  “Even if I’m a bear?”

  She tried to hide her smile. “Well, you’re a very scary bear.”

  “All the better to protect you, no?” Callie took his hand and led him to his own bedroom at the back of the cabin. “You like my bed?”

  “It’s big. Like you.”

  His cock strained against his zipper. “Get these clothes off. I’ll be right back.” His mouth salivated as he envisioned everything he wanted to do to her body.

  When he returned from the kitchen, she was on his fucking bed, her legs spread. He growled—no point hiding anything at this point.

  “What have you got there?”

nbsp; “Honey.” He kicked off his jeans and stared down at her. Sweet and filthy all at once. Perfect for him. “Boat will be leaving soon. Anyone not back at port is required to get their own transportation home.”

  “I know.”

  He took a cleansing breath. “Touch yourself, Callie. Put a finger inside your pussy so I can see how wet you are.”

  She did as told, running her palm over her mound and inserting one digit into her little cunt. He licked his lips, his cock bobbing freely in front of him. “Like this?”

  He nodded, stalking forward. Bastian poured a fine trail of the finest liquid honey on her stomach and down to her clit. She didn’t try to stop him. “Open wider.” She spread her thighs, a hand to each of her knees. He drizzled some honey over her pink folds and watched it seep down to her ass.

  “Time for dinner,” he said.

  She tossed her head back. “Oh God, Bastian. You’re going to kill me.”

  He ignored her, crawling over her body. He licked a circle around her navel, and she giggled. That wouldn’t last long. He traveled lower, licking and sucking every bit of honey off her soft skin as he descended. Her body quivered, her hands grabbing handfuls of his comforter.

  When he reached her pussy, he ate her, rubbing his face into her honeyed pussy, using all his strength to keep his bear in check. He lifted her legs higher and tongued her tight little asshole before pushing in as far as he could. She screamed and writhed. “Yes! More, Bastian. Fuck me. Please.”

  He couldn’t deny her, not with his cock dripping pre-cum. Bastian mounted her, hooking one arm under her shoulder. He found her pussy and forced in his erection. She mewled and wrapped her legs around her waist, spurring him with her heels.

  “You like that, don’t you, little human?”

  “I feel so full.”

  “Full of what?”

  She flicked her tongue across his lips, then looked him in the eyes. “Your big cock. My cock.”

  His chest rumbled. Bastian pumped his hips with enough stamina to go until the sun set. His old wooden bed rocked and creaked as he fucked her hard and rough. She wriggled in just the right ways, driving him to the brink. But he wanted more tonight. Wanted to fully claim what was his.