Taken by the Bear Read online

Page 3

  But she’d been fooled before.

  She’d drowned out all background sounds, fully enveloped in her own pity party as the helicopter landed where it started. A rush of panic took her by surprise as she realized this was her last chance. It would be the last time she’d ever see Bastian again. She’d always wonder what might have been.

  The others in her group cheered as it hit the ground, snapping out of her thoughts. She filed out after the five in her group. Callie never felt so alone. She’d done well keeping in good spirits for the entire trip, and she was a firm believer in staying positive no matter the circumstances. This felt different, and it was hard to pull herself out of her doldrums. It felt like she was on the verge of a broken heart, but that wasn’t possible in less than a day.

  They all scanned their passes, one by one, at the gate to the ship. Just before her turn, Bastian grabbed her upper arm and kept her still. “The ship has one more stop.”

  She looked up at him. God, he was gorgeous. The essence of masculinity. The man wasn’t even afraid of bears.

  “Callie, get off at the next stop tomorrow morning. Meet me in the forest.”

  His words had a sense of urgency. She narrowed her eyes, confused at what was happening. The thought of seeing him again snapped her out of her misery.


  “I need to see you again.”

  “Really?” She didn’t want to do anything to get him fired, even though she wanted to reach out and touch him, kiss him.

  The boat sounded its last call horn, making it impossible to hear one another. “Get off at the next stop,” he shouted, before the closing gate separated them.

  Once back in her room, she crashed on her bed, reflecting on the day.

  She had an hour before dinner, but even though her stomach rumbled, she could only focus on tomorrow. The itinerary said they had a stop at ten in the morning tomorrow. The ship was only anchoring off shore as there was no port. Shuttle boats would bring anyone interested to the shore for sight-seeing.

  Would Bastian be waiting for her?

  It wasn’t long before the boat began to move. The breathtaking views out her balcony doors lazily drifted by, and she hated the idea of leaving this place. She touched her lips, unable to forget his kiss. Her dating experiences had all been lackluster. It was always awkward, a couple dates, followed by a disappearing act or leading to disappointing sex. Her longest relationship had been eight months, and she never wanted to think about that cheater again.

  Bastian was different, or she wanted him to be.

  She closed her eyes, dreaming of true love and impossible fairy tales. Her job hardly paid more than minimum wage. The work was backbreaking with no room to advance. Her nights were lonely. So fucking lonely.

  Callie’s chest began to tighten and hot tears streaked down to her pillow. She was thirty-two now. When was she going to catch a break in life? She’d always had to struggle and was yet to find unconditional love. Was she past the time for dreams? As time ticked on, she began to wonder if she was chasing rainbows.

  This trip, this beautiful gift, was a respite from her reality. Thanks to Bastian, it had become a tease, making her want things not meant for her. He only reminded her of how empty her life back home really was, and it seemed impossible to return to her previous state of positivity.

  After a shower and change, she headed down to the dining room for dinner. Every time she walked into the grand room, she felt like royalty. The little girl inside her became a princess. The chandelier was massive and everyone was expected to dress up, some played along more than others. She’d enjoyed every dinner experience thus far, ignoring the stares and whispers. Now she felt like a joke and more lonely than she’d ever been.

  She sat alone at her two-person table, noticing the couples, and all the glitz and glam. This wasn’t her. She didn’t fit in at all. Callie chuckled to herself and realized she’d be happier living in a cave with Bastian.

  “Have you decided what you’d like tonight?” asked Paulo. Her waiter had been sweet and thoughtful the entire trip, making her feel welcome where most of the other guests had not.

  “I’ll try the salmon dish,” she said, pointing to the special on the menu.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “No smile tonight,” he said. “Has something happened today?”

  She shook her head. “Tomorrow we make our last stop. Then it’s back to reality.”

  “You can always sail with us again.”

  “Not me, Paulo. This is a once in a lifetime trip. Unfortunately, I’m leaving a piece of my heart in Alaska.”

  “It is a special place, isn’t it?” He took her menu. “I’ll be back soon with your drink. Usual?”

  She nodded and forced a smile.


  Bastian slammed his cabin door shut with enough force to make the walls shudder. Ranger was right behind him, not getting the damn point. He didn’t want to be near anyone right now. His mood was volatile and his bear was threatening to break free at any second.

  He paced back and forth. He’d let his mate leave. Willingly. Was he that fucking stupid? What if she didn’t listen? What if she didn’t get off at the next stop? It was his last chance to prove himself to her, to help her see that true love wasn’t just for romance novels.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” he said.

  “I’ve never seen you like this,” said Ranger. “Are you sure she’s the one?”

  He turned and glared at his brother. “I have to get her back. I don’t think you understand exactly how important she is to me.”

  “I can guess. You were ready to throw the family business into the shitter for her. You’re the one who’s made the company what it is. You’ve never done anything to jeopardize that.” Ranger shrugged. “I’ve never seen you in love.”

  He stopped dead, running both hands through his hair. “I wish I could explain how it feels to you, Ranger. I want her. My bear wants her. She’s taking over my thoughts. I’d do anything to protect her. Even kill.”

  “What about Coben?”

  “He had no right pulling this shit,” said Bastian. “He hasn’t even shown his face because he knows he’s wrong. Callie’s mine.”

  “It’s instinct. His bear will kill to claim her, whether he agrees or not. The only way he’ll stop is by losing in battle.”

  “And I’m supposed to care? She’s my mate, my only chance at having a family. If she doesn’t get off at that stop tomorrow, I’m done. There will never be another for me.”

  “There’ll be other women.”

  He shook his head. “Once you find your true mate, you’ll understand. There’s only one. You’ll remember this day when it happens, and finally understand exactly how much control I’m using to keep away from her.”

  “What do you plan to do? Kidnap her? She’s human, Bastian.”

  “I’ll make her want to stay, show her how life here would be.”

  Ranger laughed out loud. “You think she’ll trade her fancy city life for this?” He held out his arms and did a little spin. “This shack you built yourself? The outhouse out back? And a man who shifts into a fucking grizzly?”

  “Get out before you get hurt.”

  His brother didn’t appear threatened, more amused. “If you’re set on this human, watch your back. Coben would rather kill her than let you have her.”

  “I thought he was my friend.”

  “He probably can’t help himself. It’s mating season, and you know how fucked up he’s always been.”

  “How’s Drake?” asked Bastian.

  “So far no issues, but I wouldn’t put your faith into anyone when a woman’s involved.”

  “Not even you?”

  Ranger scoffed, narrowed his eyes in insult. “Keep your fucking human girl. When I’m ready to settle down, I want a grizzly with some meat on her bones. One I can fuck without breaking.”

  He shoved his brother playfully. “My mate
won’t break. Now get lost, I need to rest before I meet her tomorrow.”


  Callie woke up with the sunrise, a deep-seated excitement making her giddy. Today she’d see Bastian again. Her Bastian. She wasn’t sure what would come of their visit, but she also didn’t care. In only a few hours, he’d managed to unravel her, make her question what she wanted out of life.

  She stood on the main deck after breakfast, watching the waves slosh below. They’d arrive soon, and she’d be the first at the exit doors, ready to shuttle over to Bastian. Her pussy clenched, her body lighting up just thinking about him.

  The area on the map they were supposed to stop at came and went with no announcement. Callie rushed downstairs to the information desk. She was nearly breathless with concern.

  “Why aren’t we stopped for our day trip?”

  “We posted an announcement this morning outside the dining hall. The captain changed the itinerary due to the weather.”

  “What? It’s beautiful out. You can’t just change our plans like that.”

  “A storm is expected early this afternoon. It’s a safety call.”

  She knew there was nothing the woman behind the desk could do, and they wouldn’t listen to one voice regardless. Panic surged up inside her as she walked away without listening to anything else the woman had to say. She moved in a trance, heading to her room.

  That was it. She’d never see Bastian again.

  Callie was pissed off with herself. What if he was for real? What if she sabotaged her own happily ever after by not taking a chance?

  She shook her head. Women didn’t just run off with strangers on vacation, leaving everything behind. Callie had made the right choice, and she had to believe that. If she thought about Bastian and what could have been, she’d make herself sick.

  Callie decided to stay in her room for the long ocean voyage. There were no more stops. Depression was settling in, so she wanted to be alone. She must have dozed off because an announcement woke her up. The ship was slowing, mountains of forests outside her glass doors rather than miles of ocean. She’d missed the announcement, so she returned to the information desk.

  When the woman saw her, Callie cringed. She’d acted like a crazy woman earlier and felt embarrassed. “Why’s the ship slowing down? I missed the announcement.”

  “I was going to tell you, but you rushed off so quickly. The captain replaced the stop with another. The storm system is well behind us now. We’ll be shuttling guests to the mainland within the hour. You’re welcome to depart.”

  “Thank you for your help.” Callie wasn’t going to voice her disappointment. Bastian was waiting for her at the original stop hours north of where they were. Why did they have to change it?

  She wasn’t going to bother taking the last day trip. What was the point? Then she reminded herself this trip was a gift, a dream come true. To hide in her room and pout because of a man she’d known for a day was childish and wouldn’t help her.

  When it was time to depart, she took the shuttle boat over to the mainland with a mixed group of guests. The staff reminded them to return to the checkpoint by four in the afternoon.

  He probably thinks I snubbed him.

  I should have gotten his number. No, there was no point when they lived so far apart. She’d never be able to afford a trip to visit him, and he made it clear that Alaska was his forever home. She couldn’t blame him. There was nothing quite like it anywhere else.

  It wasn’t so cold today, or maybe it was because they were farther south. The sun beat down on her forearms as she waited to debark the shuttle boat. Once on solid ground, she headed to the treeline, wanting to get away from the complaining couple she’d been sitting next to. She really wanted to be alone, to explore a bit, and try her best to enjoy the last day of her trip.

  The trees were huge, the forests ancient and full of life. She didn’t dare venture too far, not after that bear scare yesterday. She took deep breaths, filling her lungs with the rich, pure scent of the arctic air.

  “Didn’t they tell you it’s not safe to go hiking alone?”

  Callie whirled around. She hadn’t even heard a leaf crunch.

  It was him.


  Without thought, almost convinced he was a figment of her imagination, she rushed toward him and jumped into his waiting arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. He supported her weight and immediately sought her lips. They kissed each other with hunger and desperation.

  “I never thought I’d see you again,” she said.

  He kissed her harder.

  “How’d you get here? They changed ports.”

  “I’ll always find you.” He set her down to her feet, then took her hand, leading her deeper into the forest. With Bastian, she wasn’t afraid anymore. A fallen tree lay across their path, so he sat down on it and patted his lap.

  She smirked, then sat on his thigh. He was wearing his red flannel, but shrugged it off and set it beside them on the log. The thin material of his t-shirt strained against his bulging muscles, and she couldn’t keep her hands to herself. Callie was completely wanton, a mix of desire and relief of finding him again.

  “I was scared,” she whispered, peppering kisses along his neck. Callie licked him, exploring with her lips and tongue. She ran her fingers into the back of his hair and squeezed his bicep with her free hand. Right now, she really wanted him to fuck her.

  “Why, Callie? What happened?” He pulled back, dodging her advances. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he focused on her.

  “I thought I’d lost you forever. I never expected to find you here.” Even though her body thrummed for everything Bastian, she still felt vulnerable speaking about her true emotions. Rejection was always a fear for her.

  He cupped her face. “I barely slept last night. At first light, I traveled on foot through rivers and over mountains to get to the cruise port by ten. It was a good forty miles. Then I called in the helicopter to drop me five miles from this spot when I found out they’d changed the location. He came across a lot of turbulence. At one point the main rotor failed.” He paused. “You have no idea how far I’d go to be with you.”

  Holy shit. If this guy was just after sex, then he deserved it. If what he was saying was true, then maybe she should take a leap of faith. What did she have to go home to? Work, sleep, struggle, repeat. Callie was tired of loneliness, unfulfilled desires, and forgotten dreams.

  Her heart wanted Bastian, and so did her body. She just needed to convince her mind this was possible.

  Chapter Four

  It had been a rough morning, but the only thing on his mind was Callie. As soon as he saw her ship closing in on the mainland, he could finally breathe easy. After the first re-route, he thought he’d lost her. This time he wouldn’t let her leave so easily. He had to convince her to stay, to make her understand that she was his mate.

  He’d make her happy, regardless of what Ranger thought.

  Voices drifted closer to their location. The other tourists were fanning out, exploring the forests near the beach.

  “Come on.” He grabbed his jacket and took her hand, traveling deeper into the wilderness, farther than the other humans would dare to venture. As the forest grew denser, the sunlight was masked, leaving them in the soft lighting his mother used to call bear’s dusk. His parents loved Alaska, and raised him and his brother to embrace their same values.

  He released her hand. She looked up, spinning around slowly. The fractured beams of light infiltrated past the lacy network of leaves, picking up the dust motes in the air. She smiled, reaching her arms out as if to capture the magic.

  “I don’t even know what to say. It’s so beautiful here,” she said.

  Bastian came up behind her. “Not as beautiful as you.” She turned, fisting his shirt into her little hands. Her big green eyes were a mix of innocence and hunger. “You’re the first woman to make me lose sleep.”

  “You’re the first man to make me feel special.�
�� She nibbled her lower lip.

  Bastian thought it was bullshit that a woman like Callie hadn’t been snatched up by now. Human males were fools. “I’m different than other men.” He wanted to tell her he was a grizzly bear shifter, only half human, but still completely in love with her.

  “You are. You’re bigger. Stronger.” She ran her hands down his arms. “Attentive.”

  The scent of her lust was driving him insane. He couldn’t stifle the last growl as it rumbled up from his chest.

  “Kiss me again.” Callie rose on her tiptoes, seeking his lips. Her hand cupped his crotch. His cock was already hard and heavy. Her touch unhinged him.

  He wanted to tell her not to play with bears. Bastian was a beast and behaving while she teased the shit out of him wouldn’t end well. “That’s all yours if you want it,” he said.

  “I do want it. I want you,” she said.

  There was no waiting. Bastian sat on a large, moss-covered fallen tree. “Take everything off, Callie. I need you.”

  She stood between his legs and he helped her get off her pants and sweater. Then came her bra and panties. She kept looking to each side, terrified they’d be caught. This far out, they were safe from prying eyes. “It’s so cold.” Her skin broke out into gooseflesh, her body trembling.

  Bastian held her hips and took her in from head to toe. All he could think about was eating her pussy, making her scream, and claiming her forever. Her body was deliciously curvy from her juicy tits to her rounded hips. He tugged her closer. “I’ll keep you warm, baby.”

  He suckled her right tit, his eyes lolling in his head. She tasted just how he remembered. He teased her nipples, alternating between both her breasts. “Oh God, Bastian.” Her mewling sounds were pure sex, desperate, and needy. He smoothed his palm up the inside of her leg, her soft skin a sharp contrast to his rough hand.

  Bastian impaled two fingers into her wet little cunt. She dropped her weight for a moment, taking him to the last knuckles. Callie cried out, bracing her hands on his shoulders. He pulled off her tit with a smacking sound. “What’s wrong?”