Cowboys Mine Page 6
Eva didn’t ‘want people mistaking the twins as her brothers. It never bothered her before, but it rubbed her wrong now. She came to the next campsite, stopping to speak to three cowgirls drinking and talking.
“Have any of you seen Colton or North? The men I’m bunking with?”
One of them whispered into another’s ear. They giggled. The third was bolder. “No, but if you find either of them cowboys, send them to me.” She winked.
Eva never had a possessive bone in her body. She loved the McReed twins as much as her own soul. They were a huge part of her life. However, she also accepted they slept around and would eventually have families of their own.
A new fear sparked inside her. What if they did move on without her? Could she really stand to see them in love with another woman?
“Thanks. I’ll keep looking.”
Eva started to jog through the campsites, half in a daze. She’d been blind her entire adult life. How could she not see what was right in front of her?
She burst into the bar as soon as she reached it. Eva wasn’t sure what she was going to do or say when she found Colton and North, but she had to find them. She breathlessly pushed through the throngs of people. The country music drowned all the multitude of conversations. Cowboys looked her up and down as she squeezed by, but she ignored everyone around her. When she finally spotted the twins, she stopped dead in her tracks.
They were both sitting at a table with two scantily-clad women. The blonde had enough cleavage for half the bar, and the brunette was planting kisses on North’s neck. Eva couldn’t breathe. She came to Chester expecting the guys to have their fun. She never loved them in more than a platonic way. They were the McReed boys, her neighbors, the teens who pestered her, and the men who became her rocks in life. God, she was such a fool.
She stepped closer, wondering if it was too late to change…everything.
Eva was standing right beside their table, looking down at them. It was Colt who finally noticed a person standing there. He did a double take, but didn’t push his date away. Eva had to remember that nothing had changed in their heads, and they’d done nothing wrong.
“Why you out at this hour?” he asked.
She desperately wanted to replicate disinterest, to appear unfazed by the beautiful women hanging off them. All it would take was a simple comment about being bored or curious. But the lies stayed lodged in her throat.
Eva opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Her new emotions came rushing to the surface, threatening her to break down in tears and make a fool of herself. She turned and bolted towards the exit without a word. The fresh, cool night air was a relief from the stuffy interior of the bar. All she knew was she had to get away, to hide, to think. The brothers probably thought she’d lost her ever-loving mind. How would she explain herself?
She started running back to the silver bullet, tears blurring her vision. She was about to ruin two perfect friendships. Life without Colton and North would be unbearable—she couldn’t even imagine a day without them underfoot.
The rain picked up, falling in heavy sheets. She nearly slipped a few times on the slick paths, reminded of their day at the pig wrangling event. Eva cried harder, imagining those bimbos stealing what she loved.
Eva only made it to the rear of the large barn with the outdoor showers. It was difficult to see with only the odd overhead light in the event areas. It was like a ghost town this far from the campground. She could see the strength of the rain in the lamp light when she stopped to catch her breath.
“Eva!” It was North’s voice. She wished they’d given her some space, but then again, it would be unlike them not to chase after her. At least some things hadn’t changed. She’d tell them she was sick, her stomach doing flips. It would explain her refusal to answer Colton and her sudden disappearing act.
Colton called out over the static of rainfall, “Eva wait up!”
Why wasn’t she stopping? Why did her tears keep falling? She was conflicted on a soul deep level. Everything had always been simple and pure between them. Now she was thinking beyond what they shared when she should be satisfied with the way things were.
A hand wrapped around her upper arm, jolting her to a standstill. “Didn’t you hear me calling?” asked North.
She refused to look him in the face. Eva didn’t look beautiful when she cried. Her eyes got puffy and her skin broke out into hives. There would be no way to conceal her turbulent emotions.
“Leave me be,” she said. “Please.”
North’s jeans were soaked to the skin. She’d never noticed the shiny silver buckle he wore. Eva realized she’d never paid attention to their physical appearances, as if she went through life with blinders on. Now she really looked—strong thighs, narrow hips, and massive muscular frames.
“Eva, what in God’s name are you thinking?” Colton stopped talking to catch his breath.
“Just go back to the bar. Your dates are probably worried sick.” She couldn’t hide the note of resentment in her tone, and she was supposed to try and play this night off.
“They’re not our dates,” said North, tilting her chin up to face him. “Why are you crying?”
Water ran in rivulets from his soaked hair. His lips were moist and thick, his eyes dark and piercing. How could she have been so blind?
“I’m not.”
He chuckled, not releasing her face. “That’s insulting, Eva. I think I know you better than that.”
She shook her head and shrugged him off. As she attempted to rush away into the darkness, Colt grabbed her around the waist and held her in place. “No more running, little one.”
“I can’t do this,” she cried. “I’ve messed up bad. I need time to clear my head.”
“What happened?” asked North. “Was it Wade? He say something to you?”
“I’ll kill him,” Colt whispered in her ear. His breath smelled of alcohol. He held her tighter, her back pressed to his chest.
“It wasn’t Wade!” She struggled in his arms. “It was me.”
“Mrs. Ford’s the one always telling us it’s never as bad as it seems.” North brushed the matted hair off her cheeks and ran his thumb along her lower lip. The simple gestures never aroused her before, but now her stomach fluttered wildly and her heart pumped so fast she could scarcely breathe.
“This is worse.”
North’s shirt was plastered to his body from the rain. It seemed every muscle was accentuated from his broad shoulders to his massive biceps. She stared blankly, new erotic thoughts swirling in her head. The struggle inside her didn’t let up. Her chest jerked erratically from crying too hard.
“Tell me what’s wrong with you, God dammit!”
“I fell in love.”
Chapter Seven
North took a step back and nearly fell on his ass. He wiped the rain from his eyes, staring back at Eva while his heart crumbled to pieces. She was in love with Wade, and even though he knew there was no future for the two of them, it didn’t hurt any less. Colton was right—it was better when he didn’t care.
“There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“There is,” she whispered. “When it’s you.”
North froze, staring at her as if seeing her for the first time. He reacted on instinct, cupping her face with both hands as he kissed her hard on the lips. The rain and her feminine taste intermingled. He kissed her long and deep, exactly how he’d envisioned. She was so soft and sweet and perfect.
When he finally pulled back, her lips were parted and swollen. Colt had moved beside him. “You love North?”
“And you,” she said. “I love you both.”
North wasn’t surprised or offended. He’d always been one with his twin. Most of his time shared with Eva included Colton in some degree. It was the new revelation that shocked him. He’d been battling his own budding feelings for the Ford girl. To hear they were reciprocated made everything right with his world.
“You don’t know what you’re saying, baby doll,”
said Colton. “We’re no good for you.”
What was Colton doing? Their sweet girl just admitted to loving them, and he was already trying to push her away.
North kissed her again when she tried to speak. “Don’t listen to him. He’s drunk.”
“I’m so sorry,” she murmured. “I don’t want to lose either of you.”
“I’ve always loved you. That will never change.”
This time she touched his face, her delicate fingers traced around his eye and along his jaw. It felt so damned good. “I was jealous.”
North smirked. “You never need to be jealous, Eva. I’m yours.”
She exhaled in a rush before reaching her arms up around his neck. “Yes,” she whispered. The little thing pressed her body against his. She’d done it a million times when they hugged, but not like this. His cock stirred to life, his entire body taut as he tried to behave.
There was something magical in the air enhanced by the rain and darkness.
“I love you so much,” he muttered against her neck. She smelled sweet, like strawberries and cream.
“You’ll catch your death of a cold out here, Eva. Your mother will kill us for not taking better care of you,” said Colton. His twin separated them, leading Eva towards the trailer by holding her bent elbow. They all moved in silence, not saying a word during the long walk, but there were so many things running in his head. North was processing all the possibilities, and he still wasn’t one hundred percent convinced he wasn’t dreaming.
Once safely inside the silver bullet, the rain and dampness shut out, Colton pinned Eva against the living room wall. “What am I going to do with you, little lady?”
She looked up at him, her sweet faced framed by her dripping wet hair. “Love me back?”
He shook his head. “I can’t give you something you already have.”
“Kiss me then.”
Colt held back, staring at her with an arm braced at either side of her head. “I can’t.” He spun around, massaging behind his neck. Why couldn’t he just accept the gift she offered? Why did Colton always have to make things difficult?
North didn’t want Eva upset. He moved in and began to peel off her heavily soaked sweater. “You can’t stay in these wet clothes,” he said.
She nodded, but he’d already seen the hurt Colt left in her eyes. He tossed the damp material in the corner and didn’t know where to go next. Her shirt clung to her curves and the girl didn’t even have on a bra. He tried to look away—and failed.
“You look real good,” he whispered. North leaned over and kissed the smooth plane of her neck. She was the ultimate temptation. He slipped his hands under the bottom edge of her shirt and moved up. Her skin was chilled and breaking out in gooseflesh. He could feel her stomach quiver as his rough hands moved up her soft sides. North slowly kissed his way to her lips. She was ready and eager, parting her lips for his tongue. They kissed with such passion, he never wanted to stop. By the time his hands reached the bottom edge of her breasts, Colt pulled him back by the shoulder.
North was getting tired of his brother. “What the fuck?”
“Eva go get changed in the loft,” Colt said. She listened, slipping away and climbing up onto the bed. His twin stared him down.
“What is up with you?”
“You’re taking advantage of her, North. You need to keep your hands to yourself.”
He wouldn’t be denied the one thing he wanted most. North bent forward and charged into Colt, ramming him into the other wall. The entire trailer rocked back and forth as they slammed each other from side to side. “I’d never take advantage of her!”
“She’s not yours.” Colton punctuated his words with a sharp punch to the gut.
“Then she sure as hell ain’t yours, Colt.”
North managed to rip his brother’s shirt off over his head, before kneeing him in the ribs. They were about to lunge forward again, but they were stopped by Eva’s voice.
“Stop it! You’re both being ridiculous,” she shouted. “Now stop upsetting me and come to bed.”
North exhaled and he could see Colt visibly lose his steam. They were both too hardwired to make Eva happy. He flicked off the lights and started to climb into bed. Colton went to the bathroom.
“Not with those wet clothes. Take them off before you wet all the blankets.”
He complied since the trailer was in shadows. North kicked off his clammy jeans and lost his shirt. He crawled into the loft and dropped down on his side. His skin was chilled but he felt anything but cold next to Eva.
“Where’s Colt?”
“He’s coming in a minute.”
“I’m cold,” she said. “Warm me up.” Eva slipped under his blanket, skin to skin. She wore nothing at all. His Herculean control was shot down the moment of physical contact.
She rested her cheek against his chest, and he could feel her little nipple pebbled against his side. “How do I make you feel?” she whispered.
“What do you mean?”
“Do I make you feel as good as those women in the bar?”
He huffed. “Much better.”
“We always talk about everything back home. Why not now? Why do things have to change?”
He took a cleansing breath. “What do you want to know?”
“Do I turn you on?”
She was playing with fire and didn’t even realize it. “Yes.”
“Tell me how it feels.” Eva ran her palm over the roundness of his shoulder, her fingers testing the strength of his biceps.
“You make my dick hard.”
She kissed his chest, her little tongue flicking out to taste him. Her hand slid lower and lower. North swallowed hard. When her hand rubbed over the top of his damp boxer briefs, her reached down and grabbed her wrist.
“Why can’t I touch you?” she asked.
“Because, you just can’t do that and not expect me to…react.”
“Tell me,” she said, her hand returning to his chest. “How do you want to react?”
“Eva, stop it.”
“Tell me,” she insisted. “You said I make you hard. Then what?”
He had to control his fucking breathing just to speak. Never had a woman had such a pull over him. North rolled over so he dominated, pinning her under him. “I want to fuck you, to fill your sweet little virgin pussy with my cock.”
“Oh God,” she whimpered, pulling him down to her lips. She kissed him, nipping and sucking in between gasping for air.
“North!” Colton’s loud baritone filled the trailer.
“Colton McReed stop being dumb and come to bed,” said Eva. She wouldn’t let North go, returning to their kiss. Her desire was like a living force, calling to him like a siren.
As Colt climbed up, he shoved North to his side, inadvertently tossing the blankets as well. Eva lay on the bed completely nude. Her body was perfect and youthful, her breasts soft, tempting swells, and her hips beautifully rounded.
“Please kiss me, Colt.” She reached up to him, beckoning him to lower over her body. “Please.”
Colton didn’t say a word. He lowered over her body, careful to hover out of contact. Eva grabbed him around the neck and pulled him down. His brother resisted at first but finally accepted Eva when she kissed him first.
“More,” she whined. “Touch me.”
Colton wanted to keep his distance but how could he resist Eva when she begged him to kiss her? What harm could it do now that North had crossed the line?
He kissed Eva Ford. His heart screamed out that she was his girl, but he knew a life with him would go nowhere fast. The one kiss quickly turned into much more when she began to squirm beneath him, thrusting her hips to get closer. She was ripe, but he wouldn’t pick her. Not little Eva.
“I’m hot all over,” she said. “You know how to make it better, Colt.”
Eva knew they’d had their fair share of fast women over the years. They meant nothing. Eva meant everything.
sp; Her fucking hands smoothed over his back, holding him close. When she parted her thighs, he dropped down against her center. He was still in his jeans and his cock was about to blow off the zipper. “Stop teasing, Eva.”
“I’m not.” She nipped and sucked his shoulder. Her little mewling sounds drove him crazy. “Stop being cruel. I thought you loved me.”
Shit. Eva was able to play with his heart strings effortlessly. He shifted to his side of the bed, leaving her on her back in the middle. Colton ran the backs of his fingers along her parted inner thighs. She tried to turn and face him, but he stilled her with a palm to the stomach.
He travelled straight to her center, cupping her mound and the neat patch of dark-blonde curls. She gasped and began to pant in anticipation. The Ford girl was the essence of innocence, experiencing everything for the first time. He wanted it to be perfect for her.
North moved in, drawn in by Eva’s wanton desire. It was nearly palpable. He descended on her pert little tit, suckling the nipple into his mouth. She grabbed onto his head to hold him into place.
“That feels so good, North. Oh my God.”
Colton pushed the limit, penetrating her wet pussy with two fingers. Her breath caught. She attempted to close her legs, by decided to drop them open at the knees instead. He slowly began to finger-fuck her, careful not to push too deep. With just the right curl of his fingers, he’d help her achieve an orgasm within minutes.
North alternated between her breasts and her lips. The scent of sex perfumed the air. When Colton added the precise pressure to her G-spot, it pushed her over the edge. Eva cried out, clutching at both of them. She was like a ship without an anchor, and Colt wanted to be the one to teach her everything. He kept his fingers inside her, eager to feel her tight inner walls milk him, imagining it was his cock.
“Let it all go, baby girl.”
When she finally calmed down, her breathing coming in a regular pattern, he covered her with the blankets.
“That was incredible,” she said.
He couldn’t count the number of times they’d all slept together in Eva’s room. Colton had never been tempted to cross a line. Now the lines were blurred, and for the first time he could see the lure of forever.